Organic vs Non-Organic Matcha

Organic vs Non-Organic

We are often asked if you can really tell the difference between Organic and Non-Organic Matcha. The answer is most certainly yes. This article will help you to taste the difference as well.

The Color and Taste of Organic Matcha

Comparing the color and taste of Organic and Non-Organic Matcha, Organic Matcha has less vibrant green color, and less sweet to taste.

Matcha tea leaves (Tencha tea leaves) are shade-grown to produce the high levels of Chlorophyll and Amino Acids (L-Theanine), that gives Matcha its vibrant green color, and enhances the natural sweetness, however, as Matcha tea leaves do not get energy from the sun, they need to get it from somewhere else, usually fertilizers. The organic fertilizers need over 3 months to take effect and does not give the plants enough energy to develop maximum Chlorophyll and Amino Acid content.

As a result, the plants grows, but tealeaves have inferior color, and taste weak and flat.

The Safety of Non-Organic Matcha

As the chemical fertilizers work rapidly, allowing the “boost” that the plants need during the most important part of their life under the shade, most of the farmers use them for their Matcha production. This does not mean they are just dumping them into their farms. What they do is using a little of both organic and non-organic ones. They start the year off with using organic ones, and will turn to a minimal amount of non-organic ones at the crucial moments.

Also, the Positive System of Agricultural Chemicals in Japan strictly regulates what types of pesticides can be used, how much can be used, and when they can be used. Farmers are bound by strict regulations to record what was used, when it was used, and how much used, and then submit the reports to the authorities. Furthermore, the tealeaves are tested for chemical residue, and are not allowed in the market if they go even slightly above the safety standard.

Our Matcha is non-organic, however, we are confident it is safe for consumption, and it has been loved by our customers for long, long time.

We hope this helps you to tell the difference between two very different types of Matcha green tea.


L-Theanine and Caffeine in Combination Affect Human Cognition as Evidenced by Oscillatory alpha-Band Activity and Attention Task Performance
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The effects of L-theanine, caffeine and their combination on cognition and mood.
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